Camilla Walters as Kate (Taming of the Shrew)

Claire-Monique Martin as Portia (The Merchant of Venice)

Rushma Thapa as Ophelia (Hamlet)

Tania Pais as Miranda (The Tempest)

Bryony Tebbutt as Marina (Perecles)

Anya Sayadian as Regan (King Lear)

Lydia Cashman as lady M (Macbeth)

Oriana Charles as Juliet (Romeo & Juliet)

Director: Saskia van 't Hoff

Producer: Penny Gkritzapi

Front of House: Tina Staples, Susan Akintomide, Georgie Hoffman, Sydonie Paterson, Rachele Terrinoni, Rob Wallis, Káit Feeney, Kathryn Lincoln.
Technician: Sean Thomas.
Special thanks
Very special thanks to everyone at South London Theatre, and especially Bex, for hosting us, your enthusiasm and flexibility, and your support of our play.
A big thank you to Jan van der Black, Jacob Trenerry, Harriet Main, Ryan Blackburn, Mark Joseph, Kait Feeney, and Rob Wallis for providing their talents for our character introductions.
Music by Bensound.
Chairs by Theme Traders.